
Planetary Urbanisation — Agendas for Action" / "Agrifutures Zürich — Agroecological Projects

ZAZ Bellerive Zentrum Architektur Zürich 

Chaido Kaproulia along with Alice Clarke and Akshar Gajjar, participated in the exhibition ‘’ Planetary Urbanisation — Agendas for Action" / "Agrifutures Zürich — Agroecological Projects’’ which took place on the 5th of October from 7 p.m. hosted by the ZAZ Bellerive Zentrum Architektur Zürich. The show was on display from the 5th of October until the 17th of December 2023.

The exhibitions discussed the theory of Planetary Urbanisation and offer insights resulting from long-standing collaborative research conducted at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zürich by the Chair of Sociology of Prof. Christian Schmid and the Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning of Milica Topalović. The exhibition captured results through cartographic maps, illustrations, photographs and film and is organised in two thematic strands. Planetary Urbanisation focuses on sixteen metropolises and peripheral regions. It offers new concepts and cartographies of urbanisation processes, traces struggle against their devastating effects, and proposes agendas for collective action. Agrifutures Zürich presents approaches to sustainable food production, alternative to ongoing agricultural intensification. Agroecological design visions describe Zurich’s future food region based on ecological farming, cooperativism, and commoning.

As part of this exhibition, the work of the MAS Urban and Territory Design from the past two years was included in which Kaproulia, Clarke and Gajjar participated. The group showcased their project ‘’A Fantasy of Diversity for the Alpine Pastures: Relearning Reslience in the Zurcher Oberland’’ with a poster presentation.


Planetary Urbanisation — Agendas for Action" / "Agrifutures Zürich — Agroecological Projects

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